Sunday, June 1, 2014


What a wonderful application!  I use this application to keep track of all the cards that I need for each set.  I have a single notebook, and I have chapters for each set.  Then within the sets I have labeled out the card type, the rarity, the card name, and the number of cards I need to fulfil my playset.  But the best part of this is that I can have the application on my iPhone, iPad, and my Macbook Pro.  This way I can manage it from any of my devices and edit any of my lists to keep a running track of everything I need.  Normally when I am shopping I will use my iPhone, but if I am trading I will bring my iPad and use that to find cards I need, but when I am doing work at home with I will use my Macbook to edit my trades.

This works well when a new set comes out and I need to edit all the new cards I need after I open my pre-order boxes.  It works well when I have a trade in the hopper, and have to mark the cards that could be coming in so I don't trade for cards that are already coming in on a trade.  I do have to say I use it the most when I am shopping.  Again, I can also see what cards are coming in on trades, but it is so mobile that I can just reference my lists on my phone, I don't have to worry about carrying around my laptop or iPad.

Here is an example of what I have for Shards of Alara:

Blue M Tezzeret the Seeker 3

Gold M Ajani Vengeant 2
Gold M Hellkite Overlord 2
Gold M Kresh the Bloodbraided 2 (2)
Gold M Prince of Thralls 1
Gold M Rafiq of the Many 1
Gold M Sarkhan Vol 1
Gold M Sphinx Sovereign 3
Gold R Stoic Angel 2

Red R Goblin Assault 2

White M Elspeth, Knight-Errant 3
White R Knight of the White Orchid 2
White R Knight-Captain of Eos 1
White R Ranger of Eos 3

Here you can see the Type, Rarity, Card Name, and number of cards needed.  You can also see that I have Kresh the Bloodbraided with a (2) which means that I have 2 of them coming in on a trade.  This will allow me to know not to trade or buy this card because I will have the full playset.  I have had this issue a couple of times where I traded for cards that were already coming in for a trade.  Once the set is done I will erase the cards that I have full playsets, and if the set is complete I will just use the word Complete.  This will allow me to look up the set from the list and see that it is complete so I will not bother with looking at cards from that set.

Here is an example of what the application looks like.  You can see I sort the list on the left alphabetically, and each set has it's own note.  Then each note has the list of cards posted on the right.  There are sets that are complete, and then you can see I am almost done with Scars of Mirrodin with (1) coming in.

Now you can see what the application looks like on my iPad.  It shows the lists on the left, and the note on the right.  Every note will sync when there are changes, and each device will get the new changes no matter what device has made the changes.

This is a free application, and it does not work without an internet connection, but it will allow you to manage everything you need.  Now there are applications like that could do the same thing for you, and they did put a privacy setting on your inventory, but I have yet to go all in on the website and want to keep my inventory needs differently.  I have also found that there really is no website, or application out there that can manage my collection in the ways I need.  There is also no application that will give me the visibility that I want to see where I need to focus my resources.

So for now, I love Evernote for what it can bring to my collecting, and I can also keep my spreadsheets for what I have in my inventory.  Maybe someday I will be able to create that MacOS application that will do everything I need.

I no longer use this application, but I use Apple Notes

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