Trade with me on CardSphere!!!
So my plans to keep going with this Blog has hit a process issue. So really, we separate all the cards out, but then you need to keep track of what you own, what you can trade, and what you need. So with this in mind, I am re-designing my spreadsheets.
Before I had a single spreadsheet that held the database I pulled from and the inventory of all my cards.
Database Sheet:
Inventory Sheet:
So why am I doing this?
- Well in the old spreadsheet I had all my cards in a single column. The inventory sheet would reference the database sheet and SUM the number of cards owned to the price giving you the total price of that single card owned. In order to find out the price that card, I would have to change the number owned to '1' so that I would just see the price of the single card.
- Also, I did have a place that showed what foil cards I had as well, but there was no real pricing done with them. It was mainly used to show how many I had.
- I also never split up what I was willing to trade, so I really never knew how much my collection was worth, I just had a complete price of all the cards I had.
So, I am trying to split up the spreadsheets a bit. My first thought was to keep separate spreadsheets for each collection, for trade, and foil, but that really brought a process issue in having to keep up with multiple spreadsheets. I decided to keep all the numbers in a single spreadsheet, but I would split up the pricing database into a separate spreadsheet. This way I can update the prices, but keep the inventory in a different place.
Also, my original spreadsheet became too large in size since I had all my inventory and all the database information in a single spreadsheet, so splitting them up would make things more manageable.
New Format:
As you can see I have 3 different columns. Collection, Trade, Foil. This will allow me to gather the data on my collections and keep everything on a single spreadsheet. I will go through this more when I get finished, as I am just trying to reconfigure all my tabs. Hopefully we can keep a baseline of what is needed for the spreadsheets, and additions to the design will be easy to update.
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