Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Expansions Complete!

Card Count: 51

Fifty-One.  Fifty-One.  Less than a deck.  Less than a deck of poker cards.

So.  Considering I am so close to the end game here, I am really letting things go with how trades are going through.  I am not really complaining about issues with cards, and I am accepting trades that I normally would not be.  It is really affecting my state of mind, and I am becoming more bothered by it.  I just need to keep looking at that end game number I am sitting at.

I am only bringing this up because I am accepting new trades with new traders, and forcing them to send first.  They are sending me trash, but I am not complaining too much about it, when I completely should.  I am doing "even" trades for cards I should be asking for a little more for.  My drive to end Phase 1 through trades I think might be causing me too much pain, and I should just buy the cards straight up.

The thing is, since it is such fodder I am looking for, there is nothing to say that the seller won't send me trash too.  So now, I am resorting to venting on my blog while I just chug along.

Here we go!

These are listed as NM.  This is why I don't want to do trades with new traders.  This piece of shit card is what the trader thinks as NM.  I know, I should just give them a bad score, and in reality the card is not worth that much, but you just have to love how shitty people can be.

These were the standard cards I got with the trade as well.

Here is a fodder card I decided to pick up with the trade

And then these other Commander cards that would fill out the playsets for first prints.

The trader decided it was a good idea to send me this card, I assume to make up for the shit Commander card, but if you look close enough, you almost see the big fucking teeth marks in the top left corner.  Let's just say I won't be trading with this Deckbox person, ever, again.

This was another trade that came in from Deckbox.  Here are the cards that are going toward the Card Count.

And this beauty came in too to Card Count Phase 2!  I just get happy to get Starter 1999 cards.

Then I got this one in!  This is the last Natural Order I needed for the playset.

These card were very appreciated from CardSphere.  All these cards are from Planeswalker decks.  I seriously hate having to get these cards, and it is pretty great that there are folks that want to send me these cards.

This came from another Deckbox trade, and here are the Standard cards that were included with this trade.


 Phase 2 needs, but yeah nothing special.

And here are the Modern cards.  What was that?  Saviors of Kamigawa?  BOOM!!!  I have all the expansion playsets.  All Expansion playsets.  It is completely insane.  Completely insane!

Ok ok ok.  Little story time here, because it is completely insane that I actually finished gathering a playset for every Magic the Gathering expansion.  So a bit ago, I found out that a co-worker of mine plays Magic.  I was at my LGS and ran into him.  Which is great for me, because now I have a new person to talk to about playing the game.

So today at work, I asked him if he traded because I was looking for some Core set cards to finish up my playsets.  He explained that he did not really trade much anymore, and a lot of his collection was not sorted.

I then mentioned that I have playsets of all the expansions and I was looking for my last core set cards, and he took a long pause.  An awkward long pause.  The look that he gave me was of shock and awe, almost like he thought he mistook what I heard.  He then asked, "Playset, of every expansion?"  At that point I knew how crazy it sounds.

Think about it, from The Dark to Aether Revolt I have a playset of every single card.  Mythic Rares, reprints, rares, everything...  I just can't believe I was able to do it.  Only took me 5 years.

Moving on!

CardSphere Planeswalker deck cards!!!

More CardSphere Planeswalker deck cards!!!

CardSphere Phase 2, and I know I added the Phase 2 cards to CardSphere, but I really needed to considering how much I was not finding on Deckbox.

And a great pick up from a new CardSphere trader!

So yeah, I was pretty happy with all these pick-ups, but it has slowed down again since adding Phase 2 to CardSphere.  I did have to force all the trades on Deckbox, and it is really getting hard to keep trading on that site.

Hope to have more updates for you soon.

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Break time

I am going to be taking a break from updating my blog until I start doing more with Magic the Gathering.  I am not going to sell the collect...