Saturday, February 25, 2017

What did you do!?

Collection Count:1376

So I did a pre-order with my LGS for some Modern Master 2017, and along with that I picked up a couple of cases of KMC perfect fits.  I will be going over the pre-order in a different post, so for now this is just what happened yesterday.  They had sent me a note saying that my sleeves were in the shop, so of course I decided to check and see if they had anything I was looking for.

I had been checking their site all week because I knew I would have to go up there and pick up my pre-order at some point, so my eyes were all over the Kaladesh Inventions.  Unfortunately there were no new Inventions that they picked up so I began to go through all the bulk I am looking for.  My intention was not to spend too much cash on collection needed items, but there are intentions and there is reality.

I could not find any Kaladesh Inventions, so I just went straight in.  Picked up some 6th Edition, 7th Edition, 8th Edition, 9th Edition, Eventide, Shadowmoor, Dissension, Planar Chaos, Saviors of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, and Champions of Kamigawa.  I also picked up standard cards like I said I would not do, and I also grabbed some Conspiracy: Take the Crown cards I needed.  One card that I was really something to call home about.  And I picked up some speculation.

Here we go starting out with 6th Edition:

Only need 121 6th Edition cards to fill out this set.  Nothing really big to get, just a lot of little.

7th Edition:

Another core set and it is more of the same.  Serra Angels, Meekstones, Djinn's...bla bla bla.  But only need 91 more cards to get this Edition done.

8th Edition:

Coat of Arms, Howling Mine, Shivan Dragons.... Seriously you need to have a playset of all these cards?  Yeah stupid, but I am a completionist!  Total excuse...  113 left for 8th Edition!

9th Edition:

Elvish Champion /cheer!  209 left for 9th Edition.

Champions of Kamigawa:

Cards left 128 for CHK!

Betrayers of Kamigawa: 

107 left for BOK!

Saviors of Kamigawa:

Only 51 left!!  SOK


Seriously I only need 15 more cards!

Planar Chaos: 

12 needed...


9 more...


Ugh I should have never started saying how many I have left in each set.  Just over it like 4 sets ago... 9 more here too.

Aether Revolt:

So here we go now.  Completed this set with this purchase and I know I said I wasn't going to buy anything until after rotation, but come on.  I needed these two mythics, one a planeswalker that was around $5 and a $1.50 mythic, so I just picked them up.  I know I know, I am working on it!

Conspiracy: Take the Crown

BAM!!!!!  Alternate Foil Kaya!  Seriously I never thought I would own one of these, but my LGS had it so I picked it up.  Funny story, they were only going to charge me $10 for the card because he priced it just as the non-foil card?  But yeah, I caught it and corrected him.  I could have saved myself $120, but hey I need to keep them in business.  And yes, this was a shameless plug for me as an honest person, but really if I did not buy from the LGS I would just buy online for a lot less.  I really try to just buy from local LGS's because I need them to stay in business.

Online is the way of the world, but there is something to just hanging out in a room with people that like the same thing.

Leo!!!!!!!  Got my playset!

Speculation Nation...

What the fuck do you need with all those Torrential Gearhulks?  But really, I see it as rich as Snapcaster Mage, granted you can only cast Instants but they are for free.  That means, if WoTC comes out with a crazy awesome Instant, then this card is top of the list.  A whole powerful category of cards now either gets put on check, or there will be something that spikes this cards at some point.  Oh yeah, and it is a 6/6 Flash creature...

So yeah, got a pre-order for the MM17, my 2017 perfect fit requirements, and bought a bunch of cards I shouldn't have, but did anyway.  But really, as soon as the collection count hits 0 I really don't have much to buy from my LGS outside of the new products.  The do no have a lot posted on Portal, Portal Second Age, Portal Three Kingdoms, Starter 1999, Starter 2000 and so on.  Those are really the singles needed in my phase 3, while phase 2 is the ABU cards I need for those full sets.

What I am hoping that happens, is my local spending will go to a crawl and I will be picking up sealed product online.

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