Sunday, February 5, 2017

Buy and Trade





Ok, so yeah.  Before the Magic weekend my friend and I were frantically building decks so we could have a flavor to choose from when we were up there playing at the Source.  He ended up needed a couple cards, and I saw they were up for sale at Mead Hall Games, so I offered to pick them up for him before we met up at the Source.

And yes, this was just a huge excuse for me to go to Mead Hall and find some stuff I could buy.

What did I buy?  I picked up all 3 Inventions, 1 Torrential Gearhulk, 1 Saheeli and 1 Grim Flayer. Oh and I also picked up 4 more packs of Worldwake because I am an idiot, and no I am not going to open them any time soon.

So the Inventions are self explanatory, and the Gearhulk is just something I pick up whenever I see it for sale.  But the Grim Flayer finishes up Eldritch Moon for me, and Saheeli was the final Kaladesh card I needed.  Two more sets down, but they are standard sets so I don't get too excited about it, and normally I wait until after rotation but for some stupid reason I could not do it this time.  I also know that if you go back in my blogs you will see that I normally buy all the standard cards I need while they are still in Standard and I end up paying higher prices...  I am working on it!

And I know, you are like "Dude, there are more cards in the pictures, sup with that?"

So on Magic Weekend at the Source I did some trading and picked up some good stuff.  Normally when I do in person trades outside of deckbox I go for stuff I am interested in rather than get cards for the collection.  This nice fella came up and asked for my trade binder.  Looked through and asked if he could get some of my cards, so I took a look to see what I could find in his.  Basically ended up trading Marsh Flats and Nahri from SOI for 2 Torrential Gearhulk, 1 Dig Through Time, and 1 Magus of the Will.  I might end up down from this, but I am expecting Nahri to drop in price and Torrential to go up in the long term.  Marsh Flats will more than likely have a dip when they do the reprint, but it will go back up.  This trade was all about those Torrentials and the value I see in that card.

I do want to add in there, that I think that Magus is also a pretty good Vintage pickup.  I want a playset of them and that card was the main reason I bought so much of the Commander 2016 decks, that ended up never being opened.  So I think if I see anyone willing to trade that card away I will try and grab them.

The second trade I did was with the same fella, and I traded away a Fatal Push from my Aether Revolt bundle pack for the Staff of Nin and the Mindslaver.  I feel like it was a good trade for some cards that I like using in Commander.  Let's see if I ever get to those decks.

So yeah, finished a couple of sets, got some Inventions, did some speculation and had a great weekend!

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