Monday, September 3, 2018

I broke down, again

Total Card Count: 205

So I am getting like 3 sealed booster boxes in, and I just traded away something really expensive so I am expecting some extra MTG cash, and I just lost it and went spending on Standard cards that I needed... Again... At my LGS...

I know, I know!  I am supposed to wait until after rotation to pick this stuff up, but I just could not help it!  I could have maybe saved like $100 if I would have waited, but you know I am supporting my LGS!  Yeah, supporting the LGS, that is what I am going to go with today!

I did only pick up cards I needed, and there was not any speculation going on.  Ok that is a mistake, I did grab a bunch more of those Battlebond dual lands.  I do want to keep grabbing those as longs as I can.  I really like those cards and what they provide to the EDH community.

So yeah, lets see what I picked up this weekend...

I know, what the hell is this thing?  Well I traded one away and I did not want to cancel the send because I just hate that, so I took the mistake and sent one out of the collection.  This is the replacement of that send.

Here are Battlebond Mythic Rares I needed for the first print playsets.  I do not really think these will go anywhere, but I am going to pick them up.

Here are those Battlebond lands I love so much.  I would not call this a speculation, but there is hope that they will go up in price later down the line and I can trade them for other cards I might need.

I snagged these because I think they will be powerful when the Ravnica sets get released, but it is pure speculation and I wanted to grab them before they might pop.

So yeah, $7 I could not pass it up for the playset finish.

I was really trying to finish out my Amonkhet and Hour sets, but these were the only 2 that were available.  Still need one more for the complete Hour playset.

Here are the Rivals of Ixalan I picked up, and yes it is about 1 year to soon to be grabbing these, but with Ravnica coming back, and mana fixing will be around I thought I would just try and grab all the mythics before they might pop with some new standard deck.

And yes, same deal with Ixalan.  I just wanted to grab all the mythics at lower prices before they popped with some new Standard deck that comes out of the rotation.  I might have jumped the gun, and it is a mistake considering my plan, but I just did it. 

Ok so this last one I just had to do.  It is something I really wanted and I love this card.  This is not a speculation and everyone of these went into my collection.  I just love this card in EDH.  It is just a fun lifesaver.  There are so many board wipes, and this is just the perfect counter to those.  I do tend to play pretty aggressive, so this fits in really well with my decks.

So yeah, that is it.  I still need to get my new sealed booster boxes in, and I really hope my send goes through.  The USPS said someone signed for it, but the trader said he was not home.  So I am a little afraid on this one.  He is a really well known trader, but I have read a Reddit post about a signature before on a package, and it did not end up well for the sender.  I do not think the trader is doing something funny, and I am just scared something strange happened.  It is just cardboard, and I cant take it too seriously, but I will update the blog after everything gets figured out.

I am off to a CardSphere meet up!  Hope to have posts about it soon!

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