Saturday, May 17, 2014

Conspiracy Pre-Order -

So, what to do about this new set coming out....

I have no idea what to think about this set, and frankly I hope it does not sell a lot and they stop making sets like this.  It was hard enough to get Modern Masters last year, and now I have to get some of this to keep up the collection.  Now, I know I have a full play set of Portal, Unglued, and working on Portal Second Age, but I consider this set like those.  Do I get a full playset?  Do I treat it like Modern Masters and just get a single card of the set?  Well, I did pre-order 4 boxes from IDeal808 and I should have one more booster box coming from The Mead Hall Games, but really this set just makes me upset as a collector.

To me it seems like WoTC had such a good showing with Modern Masters that they decided to make a little more money with this set.  Now this set is not priced higher than normal packs, so I have a hope that they will be treated like any other set, but I have heard grumblings that it will be a short print like Modern Masters.  I really think that with the 4 sets a year to collect was good enough.  I mean come on...

Year sets:
3 Expansions
1 Core
2 Duel Decks
1 From the Vaults

And now I hear that they will be doing Commander Decks every year!!!!!  Man....

I have budgeted to get all this with the addition of 2 of the Holiday boxes, in which I hope they keep doing because I like the sticker/card separators/boxes, but if they keep adding an additional set to get I might have to consider just collecting 1 of every reprint and then a full playset for all the new cards.

Rant off: so I was able to pre-order a box from for around $115 and I dont know what the price from the Mead Hall Games is just yet.  It is coming out soon, so I hope they let me know what the price is going to be.

The set only has 210 cards, with 65 of them being new.  I will have to see how this set goes, I might have an update to this later once I open the packs.

Update: Looks like Mead Hall Games is not selling any of their boxes, as they want to get people in the stores for multiplayer drafts, so not going to be getting a box from Mead Hall Games.

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