Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Incoming Weekend Trades!

Total Card Count: 912

That is right folks, the card count number has gone up.  And that is right, it is because I added Rivals of Ixalan to the spreadsheet, so yeah nothing to see here.

So it has been a bit, and I was hoping to wait until I got everything in, but there seems to be an issue with one of the items I have been waiting for.  So I am just going to add what I have got, and will post another update when that other trade get's resolved.

Here we go!

This little piece came in all by himself, and nothing really special.  Just got a bug up my butt and decided to pick some of the first prints up from Commander 2016.

This was a nice little incoming trade, not because I am also trying to finish up this first print from Commander 2017, but because it is a Teferi's Protection!  I really like this card, and am really hoping to pick up a couple more playsets if I can.  Oh yeah, Assassin...

Sexy time!  Yup, got my full playset with this trade, but what else I got from this trader is much more impressive.

BAM!  That is right, picked up a full sealed set of Planechase 2012 decks.  This was pretty amaze-balls if you ask me.  Seriously I never thought I would pick up a full set sealed, ever again.  I thought for sure I was pulling cash out from CardSphere to buy these on eBay.  Just happy about this one!

I only really wanted these tokens for my commander decks I have created, but still great to know I can pick up tokens on CardSphere.

Whoopa!  Nice little pickup for the collection.  I just can see CardSphere really pulling me along with the collection.  Being able to pick up these items through trades is just great.  I just can't see myself not filling out that balance for trades.

Again, I still have the option to cash out at some point, and I do need to try that at sometime.

All in all, some really great trades coming in.  Since my last post I have around 40 packages going out, total around $200 worth.  I find that I am sending around 10 packages every week, but the prices vary from week to week.  I technically stick around to sending commons and uncommons with a fury, and really don't like sending out needed rares at 80% of their value.

I almost never send out Reserve List cards, but I do find myself sending out my foils more and more.  There are still a whole box full of foils I have yet to post, but I am really thinking about pushing those out to get rid of.

It was a good week, and can't wait to see what next week brings!

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