Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spreadsheet Update - Tradebook List

2. Cards that I have in my tradebook

So here is the new spreadsheet again.  Now we are going to be looking at Columns S, T, AC, AD, and AE. I needed to keep track of the cards that were for trade, but also what I was keeping in my tradebook. This also helped when I was using the columns to populate what I put on deckbox.org, but the more I used deckbox the more I wanted to put all the rares I had along with uncommons that were worth more than $1.00.  I still use this for what I keep separate in my trade supply.

Ok, column S listed as "Ex" stands for Extra.  This is the count of the cards that are extra in the collection so therefore considered trading fodder.  But with the problem of bringing every extra card with you to a LGS in hopes to get a trade is a bit much.  That is why we are using column T listed as "Bk" which stands for Book or Tradebook.  This way I can keep track of my trading fodder that is worth being in a tradebook.  If something were to happen and the tradebook was stolen then I would not have to count everything over again to figure out what my inventory is.  I would only have to count what is in my tradebook fodder and not have to count everything over again.

If you now look at AC, AD, and AE.  This will give us the count, name of the card, and price total that is in the tradebook.

Column AC: =IF(T2>0,T2," ")
- This will look to see if there is a count in Column T which is the tradebook count and then populate the Column AC with the same count.

Column AD: =IF(T2>0,F2," ")
- This will look to see if there is a count in Column T which is the tradebook count and then populate the Column AD with the name of the card.

Column AE: =IF(AC2=" "," ",AC2*C2)
- This will look to see if there is a count in Column AC.  If Column AC is blank then Column AE will be blank, or if the Column AC is not blank then the count should be multiplied by the price and totaled.

Cell AE: =SUM(AE2:AE602)
This will get the total of all the prices of all the cards in the tradebook and total them up.  This will show the total price of all the cards in the tradebook for that specific edition.  This will be important on the Total tab to see a complete price total for all the cards in the tradebook.

The only reason I have done this was to split off the more valued trading cards from the extra cards of the collection.  I am using the same formulas as I did in the Card Needed columns where if there is a count I will populate the cells with the information, and if there is not a count I will leave the cell blank.

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