Thursday, November 30, 2017

Duck, Duck, Grey Duck

This is a local game store near the house and every once and a while I will head up there to see what they have.  They have a pretty small community up there, a lot of high schoolers, and some older EDH players.  I have found that they do end up getting a lot of Masterpiece cards and higher priced cards, I can only assume that their player bases usually cashes out with them in order to get other packs or lower prices staples.

This LGS usually holds a lot of PPTQ and smaller tournaments, and they have enough space to hold them, so they do get a lot of product like this.  They are also so small that they do not get a lot of collector traffic, so finding this type of product is pretty easy.  Most everything they sell is MSRP, so picking up there is a no brainer, but it does suck that they try and sell Master sets at MSRP.  With Iconic, I don't think they can keep that pricing model up for very long.

But yeah, picked up another two of these for the collection.  Thinking that in a couple years they will be closer to $70 a piece.

Also found some of these for the collection.  They did have a lot of other Mythics, and considering that I opened 6 boxes and only got a handful of Mythics, my theory of them picking up a lot of these cards from their player base is a bit stronger.

And yup!  Got the rest of my playset when most of the other stores I stopped in did not have any of these.  But yeah, my theory more and more solid when I go up there and keep seeing these types of cards.

Now all I need are a couple of Uncommon lands to finish out my Iconic Master needs.

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