Saturday, August 5, 2017

SDCC 2017

Yeah I know, what the fuck am I doing buying these things?

They are so pretty though!!!!

So yeah, I have been collecting these since 2013 so of course I need to keep buying them.  I was really hoping that with Magic Origins being the last core set, they were going to stop doing them, but Nooooooooooo.  Now I have to budget for them every year, and considering that it is cheaper to just buy them off of eBay rather than going to SDCC, I just do that.

Some say, well why don't you just buy them on  And to those who say that, I say fuck you sir, in the goat ass...  If you have even tried to buy them on you know what I am talking about.  It has been impossible for me to pick them up.  I keep hitting that refresh button, and it keeps telling me that they are SOLD OUT.  Yeah... Goat ass for you.

But let's take a look at them.

A little Gideon for you.  This one has some value, but I am just all in for that art.

My thoughts on this card is a whole bunch of suck, but it is a good EDH card.  Not the best, but a good one.

Zombie master herself.

So in Standard right now, I can see this one having the most value, but in the long run, not sure how much value this card will hold.  Lets hope it does keep the value.

I was a little surprised they put this one in the SDCC set, and I am happy as a UG player, but really?

And then there is this.  Sexy time all around.

So yeah, I open up the package and put all the cards in a perfect fit sleeve, but this is what we will put up on the shelf where the rest of them sit.

I can't wait to see what they come up with next year.  Still trying to figure out how I am going to get that Hascon set.

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