Wednesday, January 21, 2015

23,840 with a big trade coming down the pipe!

So I have been a shitty blogger, but I am getting back into the swing of posting again.  There is a lot of stuff to update on this blog, but I have not really opened anything new recently.  I am still keeping up with buying the new stuff that comes out, but I have yet to open anything.  This idea is all from when I stopped collecting for a while, and got back into it.  I told myself that I will still buy boxes and MTG related stuff because I knew I would be getting back into it at some time.

Khans of Tarkir

Commander 2014

Duel Deck: Speed vs Cunning

From the Vault: Annihilation

Duel Decks: Anthology

I also have a really big trade coming down the pipe.  I have somewhat been keeping up with trades, but not really going out looking for trades, and only completing trades that come my way.  I will update with a new post when the trade completes, but I should be filling out 9+ sets with all stuff I need.  It should put me well under the 20k cards needed, I just hope it goes through.

I am hoping that once the trade completes, and the real world stuff calms down, I can do a huge opening session and get more stuff posted.

I still need to make labels for M15, Khans of Tarkir, Commander 2014, FTV and sort all those sets, but it should be a fun week.

I also have my pre-order setup for Fate Reforged and should be picking up those cards from Mead Hall Games in Minneapolis, MN on Friday.

I also hope to put up some post as to the steps I use in order to make my set labels.

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Break time

I am going to be taking a break from updating my blog until I start doing more with Magic the Gathering.  I am not going to sell the collect...