Total Card Count: 176
So this was a pretty eventful weekend for me. Stopped off at the PO Box on Thursday like I normally do and I had 2 packages waiting for me. One to pickup and one in the locker. To my surprise the sexy shipment came in!
This is the first Kamigawa block booster box I have got in. Betrayers is no Champions, but I am enjoying the lovely sealed booster box!
Then I filled out all my Lorwyn / Shadowmoor block sealed booster boxes with this one! I do have to say that I am very happy to have finished with that block. Those sets are pretty high on my value list, and to get that all locked in really made me happy. Now if I can just get the Fat Packs!
And this lovely beast. This one rounds out my Odyssey block and I can move on with the Mercadian and Invasion blocks. I still do need Urza's Legacy and Destiny, but with the prices where they are at now, I think that goes into the long term goals pile.
So I have been getting most of my sealed product on CardSphere from 1 single trader, and I can only assume that he is getting these boxes from Facebook group and having them send me the boxes directly. Just because the names on the return labels are all over the place and they are not from stores. Not that I care, because as I have posted on here before, if I were to pull my cash out to buy the boxes I would be losing 10% for the withdraw fee CS puts on it's traders.
Also would like to add that I am not against that fee, it is just nice not having to pay it, and having someone go out and find these boxes for me. I just hope he is making some money on his end! Love my CS!
Before we move on to the next topic this week, let's reflect on how much we need still for Sealed Booster boxes.
I need 11 more boxes that are pre-Modern, scary ones are the Urza's Legacy and Destiny.
Then I need 7 boxes from the Modern age, top priced box is the Future Sight one.
Unhinged, Portal, and Starter 1999 are some of the supplementary sets I need.
And then I need 7 Core set boxes. Good thing is I have Revised, bad thing I need 7th Edition.
So that is a total of 28 more sealed booster boxes that I need, and there is no way I am counting any thing pre-Ice Age, just because of cost. Although I will be looking to pick up Homelands and The Dark if I can, but still the prices on The Dark is a bit crazy right now.
ABU or AAL are not even on the want list. Unless I win the lottery, I am not going to get anything sealed from those sets.
Let's move on to Friday and what we picked up that is new!
P R E T T Y excited about this one. I know, new Commander Anthology, but come on! More Commander cards I can build decks with? Fuck yeah! Of course I bought 2, one to keep sealed and one to open.
Funny thing, when I opened up one of my sets, I got some extra rares from the Red/White deck. Fiery Confluence was a big winner!
I also should add that I went up to my favorite LGS Lodestone Coffee & Games to pick up my pre-order for the Battlebond set that came out this weekend. I am keeping this bad boy sealed.
I then stopped at my PO Box again because I did an order for more Battlebond from Rudy at Alpha Investments. Why they hell did I buy so much this set? It is a supplementary set that you can't play in Modern or Standard. Oh but yes, my wee little friend, you can play these cards in Commander, and that is what I love to play. More importantly I wanted these:
These are dual lands that come into play untapped if you are playing against more than 1 player. Perfect for Commander. I see these lands as having a huge runway, and I will be picking up as many of these as I can.
Since this is a really good set for the type of MTG I like to play, it really is not a speculation, but it is admitting to the fact that I want a lot of this set. This is another reason we stopped buying so much of the Standard sets, so that we can pick up new releases like this. So yeah you can call it a speculation, just like how we plan to pick up some more Dominaria, but we had to grab this product now because of the limited print run.
And then there were these. I know I know! Why the hell am I paying list prices on these Standard cards? When my Goal is to pick up Standard cards after rotation, why would I pay the highest prices for cards like this?
Well first, I did it because I see these cards being good in Modern and Legacy as well as in Standard. So really, I am just picking these up now knowing that my price point is not the highest price point in the long run. I just wanted to get these cards. This is not like spending $20 on a Glorybringer, knowing that it will be sub $2 after rotation.
Second, I wanted to support my favorite LGS. The way an LGS makes the most of it's money is buying singles off people that are looking to cash in at a discounted price, and then selling the cards back to the players. They do not make much money on sealed product at all. This way I can get stuff I want, and support the LGS I want to stay in business. Granted this might have only been $100 profit for the store, but I knowingly went into this with that in though, so it makes me feel better.
And with these pickups I took down the amount I need to finish up Dominaria by $210.00. That is a significant reduction.
So yeah, this was a pretty big weekend, and I am going to be busy sleeving, sorting, counting and all the stuffs. Hopefully I will have another update soon with what I pulled from Battlebond!
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Break time
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