Saturday, July 18, 2015

15,024 ABUGames Repacks! 8th & 9th Edition

So I finally got the balls to try this out, and let me tell you it was good and bad.  So lets go through and see how well we did with buying Repacks.

Now to start this off, what the hell is a repack.  A repack is what a LGS does when a set comes out, and they open a bunch of boosters, take all the good and wanted cards.  Then they take all the crap they dont want, Repack them into 15 card boosters, and sell them as 'Repacks'.

Why in the hell would I do something like this?  You see, since the LGS knows they are selling you crap you technically get a better deal.  Lets say that you need all the commons and uncommons from a set.  If you were to go out and purchase complete playsets of the commons and uncommons it could cost you around $150.  Again, the LGS knows they are selling you crap, so they only sell it to you for around $30.

So that is 36 boosters of 1 throw away rare, 3 crappy uncommons, and 11 shit commons all for the low low price of $29.99!  That is 540 cards for $29.99!  That is $0.18 a card.

(Just wanted to point out that the rare that I got from my first pack was from 9th Edition)

What my thinking was, get a couple of these Repacks for some sets I have barely anything for and see what I get that I need, what extra crap do I get, and what would the cost difference be if I just bought all the cards that I got.  So I bought 2 Booster Box Repack from 8th Edition and 2 from 9th Edition.  Lets start out with the first 8th Edition Booster Box

Old Collection Card Count Total: 16,205

8th Edition
Old Collection Value Total: $214.59
Old Trade Value Total: $0.00

After Opening the first booster box I got 5 rares from 9th Edition.  I also got 2 lightly played cards, along with 10 played cards.  The played cards were so bad that I just threw them away.  But lets break down the 8th Edition Rares that I did get from the box.

2 White
8 Blue with 1 duplicate
4 Black
6 Red with 1 duplicate
6 Green with 1 duplicate
5 Artifacts
- With any normal booster box, you would rarely see a duplicate rare being pulled from the same box.

With the uncommons, the only complaint I have is there were a couple of the cards that I got a crazy amount of the same card.  Normally you would see max 5 uncommons of the same card, but there were some cases that I got 12 of the same uncommon card out of all the packs.

Going through the numbers, this is what I recorded.
First Box Collection: $69.06
First Box Trade: $22.10

Old Collection Total $214.59 - New Collection Total $283.65 = $69.06
New Trade Total: $22.10

So before I opened the first box, I had $214.59 worth of cards in my collection.  Then I added all the cards that I needed for 8th Edition into my collection and I ended up with $283.65.  If I subtract those two numbers we end up with $69.06.  That means, I spent $29.99 on that booster box, and was able to add $69.09 worth of value to the collection.  Which is a pretty big add if you ask me.  That would mean a 100% down trade.  I would also like to add that I also got $22.10 extra in cards that I did not need, but I also need to add that I am most likely never going trade/sell them away because no one will want them.

So, with that down, let see what we ended up with after opening the second box of 8th Edition.

1st Booster Collection Total: $283.65
1st Booster Trade Total: $22.10

2nd Booster Collection Total: $317.71
2nd Booster Trade Total: $79.60

For the Collection
$317.71 - $283.65 = $34.06
$79.60 - $22.10 = $57.50

As you can see the trade total went up more than the collection total, and this is what you would expect.  Since the first box filled out more of what we needed, the second box would fill out less, and we would see a higher increase in the trade value.  So really, with the second box we added $34.06 to the collection, and $57.50 to the trade.  So we spent $29.99 for $34.06 worth of cards.  Buying a third box would be worthless, and it would be more cost efficient to spend that $29.99 on singles to fill out the set.

Total out of the 2 Repack Boxes:
8th Edition Collection: $103.12
8th Edition Trade: $79.60
Total 8th Edition = $182.72

So you can see, we spent $59.98 on 2 Repack of 8th Edition, and added $103.12 to the collection.  Leaving $79.60 of junk to the trade binder.  All in all I think it was a good buy in getting 2 Repack Booster boxes, but I would not go any higher than that.

I will go through the same thing with the 9th Booster boxes, and you will see I got more of a gain because I had less cards in the collection for 9th Edition.

I would also like to add that I did open one pack that did not have any uncommons, and on the second booster box, I got another 5 rares from 9th Edition.

9th Edition
Old Collection Value Total: $274.46
Old Trade Value Total: $0.00

With this set I just opened the 2 boxes and sorted everything out.  I proved what I wanted to know in the 8th Edition opening, and just wanted to get it done.  But the same thing happened, and lets just get to the numbers.

Total out of the 2 Repack Boxes:
9th Edition Collection: $120.12
9th Edition Trade: $73.26
Total 8th Edition = $193.38

So here we can see that I spent $59.98 and added $120.12 to the collection, and $73.26 to the trade binder.  All in all, it was a good buy, but yes again I would not buy more than 2 repack boxes per set, and I would also need more than 1000 cards to complete the set.  Pretty much needing all the commons and uncommons.

The only issues I saw with the 9th Edition repacks, 3 of the packs only had 2 uncommons, and I got 2 8th Edition uncommons in both boxes.

After opening all 4 boxes I went from 16,205 to 15,024.  That was over 1000 cards added to the collection for only $120.00.  That comes out to around $0.12 a card.  A little high for a common card, but hey.

I am pretty sure I would not do this again, and the cards that I did get extra were completely a waste, but it does give me an idea to try and see if I can get something together to try and sell.  Better than what ABU Games is offering, and worth more to a collector than the repacks.

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