Do I need to pitch this LGS again?
Mead Hall Games (
I just love this store so much it hurts. I mean really, you walk in and see something not found in any Comic and Gaming store. There are not that many shelves, but they are stocked with just wonderful goodies. The MTG singles cases are easy to access and always full, around adult height tall with full glass fronts and shelves that hold a top loader filled with the most wanted cards. Almost one case for every color, with the colorless sharing the same case. The space efficiency practiced here is a thing of beauty, allowing for the placement of wares visible but not tacky, and keeping enough space for the free play of any game that is on the schedule, opening and inviting.
So with that being said, I always go out of my way to buy anything and everything I can from this store. Now it is not just because I like the ambiance, but where else do you find a store that has a social network for a game they support, and look to add to the community. Not just sell to the community and make a profit, but to really contribute to the community. The only thing I can compare it to is that the Source Comics and Games is the previous generation's greatest gaming store, and the Mead Hall Games is it's baby. I know, I know, stop preaching about the Millennials and their importance to society, but seriously the vibe that I get from the generation when it comes to this LGS really comes out in everything they do as a LGS.
Now, I might be buying a load of MTG poop, but in honesty that is how I feel when I do anything with this LGS, so that is why I try and go out of my way to buy anything I need from this LGS to keep them in business. After all, we do live in a society of consumerism.
Now that I have tried to suck up to my favorite LGS, this is what I did recently to support my LGS.
Oops I forgot to add something new that I learned about their website. So if you are looking for specific cards, make sure you use the search feature on their site. If you just go to the sets listed in the MTG singles section you won't see all the cards. But if you search for the card you get a much more in depth search into their inventory. Now I am not sure why they do it like that, and it is really confusing why they don't have all the sets listed, but I hope they fix it at some point.
Trading Fodder:
Now I know, "How stupid are you to buy 4 Noble Hierarch when Modern Masters 2015 is releasing a reprint in the upcoming set, and think you are going to use them for trading fodder?" And it is very simple, I bought 4 Future Sight Tarmogoyfs for $80 a piece right before Modern Masters was first released, and the originals went up over 100%. In fact, almost all the originals doubled in price and that is because the set did what it was supposed to do, get more people playing Modern decks they wanted to. This increased the demand, which increased the price on the card in circulation. I feel that people are selling their originals thinking that the price will go down, and they want to cash in. In the short term, the price will drop because there are so many people trying to cash in on the higher price, but in the long term they will lose out on the real gains. And why will they lose out on the long term gains? Because there still is no more Conflux Noble Hierarchs being printed, and the Modern Master 2015 will be on such a small print run it will make the Conflux ones more wanted. Just like the same way a Alpha/Beta/Unlimited dual land is much more expensive than the Revised ones.
A good card is a good card.
These are some of the cards that I have decided to try and buy because they are pretty impossible to trade for.
The Modern Battle continues:
So just like with all the other collecting I try and do, complete the lands and get the most expensive cards in the set that I can. Currently the most expensive card that I need from Lorwyn is 2 more Rings of Brightheart, which I will most likely need to purchase.
Morningtide is a long and painful trip. Holy Hell I only need 7 more cards!!!!
I could say that I am happy to really starting Shadowmoor, but really I am not. This set and Champions of Kamigawa are the only 2 expansion that there is over $1000 worth of cards that I need to finish... Yeah, not looking forward to this.
Future Sight, so yeah... I did get a single booster box in a trade, I regret opening it, but I did and got most of the commons/uncommons, but there is still a ton of cards that I need. Really expensive ones too, but I do have all the Goyfs, so that is a positive.
So during my first trading since being back, I was all over the place with what I was trying to get. One good mistake that I made was to get a lot of the Shards of Alara block. Also I traded for some booster boxes that I opened like an idiot, but it did get me a lot of commons/uncommons that I needed. But all in all, I only need 18 more cards for the block, so again it is positive.
Worldwake: 13 more cards needed and only 4 of them are Mythic Rares (none of them being Jace, Boom!)
Magic 2015 is complete! Normally I wait until the sets is out of rotation before I start buying up the standard cards, but I just didn't want to wait anymore. And considering Magic Origins is coming out this year, I just wanted to get it done. Magic 2011 is down to needing two more cards, Titan's to be specific, one green and one black to be more specific. Magic 2010 I was able to get all my Baneslayer Angels that I needed.
As happy as I am that they are finishing the Core sets, I just want to stop wasting my trading fodder on these reprints.
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