Monday, March 16, 2015

16712 Big Trade in

I have just been lazy.  Just completely lazy.  I have my Khans of Tarkir, and my Fate Reforged in, but not opened.  I also have my Dragons of Tarkir pre-order in, and that should be coming when it gets here. I went with my standard order from Mead Hall Games.

I also bought my Elspeth vs Kiora.

But I have yet to do anything this year, just trying and sort in my big trade that I was able to accomplish. So the count number is a bit off, since I have yet to open the two newest sets, I am not going to add them to the count until I can get the time to open them.

I dont know if it is because I just got in my big trade, or just running out of time, but I think it has to do with not spending the needed time on the collection.  I made this massive trade, and got in over 8000 cards, and it was a pretty big deal, as I almost completed all the Legacy Block sets with one single trade.  Hopefully in the coming year I will be able to trade in all the Legacy sets, and I can concentrate on the Modern sets.

The way I see it, I have 5 blocks that I need to concentrate on.  Been considering going on Puca Trade and sending out some high priced cards to get most of the cards I need.  Just not sure what I could get back in return.  I am pretty sure I could get all the throw away cards, but I still need some pretty high end cards from those sets.  Nothing over three digits, but it does add up.

I did just make a final purchase of the smaller sets to fill out that part of my collection.  A couple of years back I made a big trade with ABU Games to get most of the smaller sets I needed, and now I finally picked up the last sets I have been looking for.

Battle Royale
Duels of the Planeswalker

Now with those coming in, all I need to do is concentrate on getting the new sets.

Pretty sure Modern Masters 2015 is going to break me, and if they announce that they are coming out with a Conspiracy 2015, I am going to vomit.

Honestly I am just really looking forward to getting all the older sets complete, so I can stop trading away the newer cards, and I can let that stuff just sit while I wait for the value of those cards to increase.

Oh yeah, I was also able to trade in my final Polukranos, World Eater and finished up my Theros set!  Ya Boom!

Still not sure what I am going to do about getting older booster boxes.  I really need to get a second job.

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