Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Spreadsheet Update - Sealed Tab: Decks

So, now we have the set tabs all setup so we can collect the data and then see what we have, what we need, and how much everything is worth and how much we need to collect for every Core and Expansion set out there.  So now we are going to get into the weeds of taking all that data, and putting it into forms that we can use to summarize the entire collection as a whole.

Just remember, this is how I use the data to keep an inventory, average how much I need to spend to finish my collection, and to plan on how much more space I need to finish the collection.  I not only keep track of the dollar value of the collection, but I can get card counts and see what is available for trade.

I will be working backwards to the Collection Tab because that tab gathers data from all the sub tabs, which collects data from all the set tabs.

Sealed Tab: Decks
This section of the Sealed Tab shows counts and inventory of sealed decks that are in the collection. This would include Duel Decks, Commander Deck, From the Vault series and so on...

Lets take a look at the section:
Set Color Code:
Red = Need to get
Black = Have

Price Color Code:
Black = Need to get
Blue = Have

Total Color Code:
Green = Total

Just wanted to add that I use color to gain focus so that is why Sets Needed has a color, and Price has a color.

Column Definitions
Column T: You can see that I keep track of the years these small sets were released
Column U: Sets and Set Names.  Here I try and keep everything together, like all the From the Vault decks, all the Premier Deck Series, Planechase and so on...
Column V: This is the count column, but it will also accept a 'O' which stands for Opened.  I wanted to keep track of the sets I have, but I also wanted to keep track of the sets I have opened for the cards to play with in my Cube.
Column W: I use this column to keep track of what I have paid to get the set.  In some cases I have put 'Trade' to define that I have traded something to obtain the set.
Column Y: Current Prices that have to be manually looked up
Column Z: Listed card count in the set, I am using this for the level set in the formulas, so if I own more than one set I can gather an accurate card count.
Column AB: Value total column where we will take the count column and multiply it by the current price column.
Column AC: Total count column where we will take the count column and multiply it by the listed card count column.

Column Formulas:
Column AB: =IF(V3="O","",V3*Y3)
Column AC: =IF(V3="O","",Z3*V3)

So what does this do for us?  This will allow us to keep track of all the subsets that are released, and we can also keep track of the ones that are open as well.  I should add, that any set that has been opened will have a set tab so that we can keep track of the cost of the set in the set tab and not a complete sealed deck, and that is why we needed the 'O' option so we did not double count the price and card count of the sets that were opened.

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