Saturday, December 31, 2016

1938 Left to go!

So another shipment came in today, it was a pretty big one, but only dropped 2 cards from the countdown.  Here we go!

- (8) Return to Ravnica: Chromatic Lantern

Yeah, this does not go toward the countdown, but I really wanted to get more of these.  I actually bought extra Commander 2016 for this reason, but decided not to open outside of my normal opening.  I just felt that the Commander 2016 sets would go up in price based on the Partner Commander cards.  Great seller, cards came in great condition.

Another World ID 
- (1) 9th Edition: Lord of the Undead
- (1) 9th Edition: Weathered Wayfarer

Great buy, nothing to say here.

- (1) Commander: 5 Decks

Here is the big one that I had been waiting for a while to buy.  Along with the Commander Arsenal, I also purchased Commander decks, the first release from back in 2009.  Of course I opened them because I wanted the cards to play with, so I decided to pick up a sealed set as well.  I had waited for so long because there was so much other stuff that was priority, but I just pulled the trigger on this one.  Average prices are around $550, so I just pulled that trigger and got it now before the price went up to $1000.  This seller was great, the shipping was not updating and when I contacted them, they were really nice and understanding.  The very next day the shipping started to update, so all is good.  So happy I got this sealed product back in the collection!

Incoming order 1940 left!

Here come some more of that pre-Christmas order I did.  I am really hoping I get the big package today, but let's process these for now.

- (1) Coldsnap: Controvert
- (2) Coldsnap: Balduvian Warlord
- (4) Coldsnap: Deathmark
- (3) Darksteel: Furnace Dragon
- (2) Darksteel: Emissary of Despair
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Desecration Elemental
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Etched Oracle
- (2) Fifth Dawn: Devour in Shadow
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Roar of Reclamation
- (3) Fifth Dawn: Skullcage
- (1) Time Spiral: Spectral Force
- (1) 5th Edition: Colossus of Sardia
- (1) 5th Edition: Bottle of Suleiman
- (1) 5th Edition: Flying Carpet
- (1) 5th Edition: Elkin Bottle
- (1) 5th Edition: Juxtapose
- (1) 5th Edition: Gauntlets of Chaos
- (2) 5th Edition: Orgg

Great buy, love that Deathmark Playset.

White Lion Games
- (2) 5th Edition: Dwarven Hold
- (1) 5th Edition: Nightmare
- (2) 5th Edition: Shivan Dragon
- (1) 5th Edition: Zombie Master
- (1) Urza's Legacy: Hidden Gibbons (Foil)

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Knights Comics Games
- (2) Magic 2010: Liliana Vess

Great buy, nothing to say here.  From the invoice it looks like they used to be a sports card shop, not sure why I mention it, I just find it interesting to track the development of shop owners.

Brute Force Games 
- (1) Tenth Edition: Grave Pact

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Alter Reality Games 
- (1) Coldsnap: Commandeer
- (1) Darksteel: Aether Snap
- (1) Urza's Legacy: Treetop Village (Foil)

Great buy, Treetop Village was in great condition.

- (1) 5th Edition: Ironclaw Curse
- (1) 5th Edition: Jandor's Saddlebags
- (1) 5th Edition: Sibilant Spirit
- (1) 5th Edition: Pentagram of the Ages
- (1) 5th Edition: The Hive
- (1) Urza's Legacy: Multani, Maro-Sorcerer (Foil)
- (1) Urza's Legacy: Goblin Medics (Foil)

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Snapcaster Chow 
- (1) 9th Edition: Lord of the Undead

Great buy, it really annoys me when sellers use a different name online and then ship a package without any invoice and also using a different name.  It is very hard to give a review or track the purchase.  Anywho... :-)  The card was shipped in a perfect fit sleeve, so that is a bonus.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Mirrodin and Urza's Destiny done! 2006 Left

More cards came in from my end of the year purchase.  With these cards coming in I am now done with Mirrodin and Urza's Destiny!  I also picked up a sealed Commander Arsenal.  So let's get to it.

- (1) Commander Arsenal

I decided to pick up another one of these.  I know when I started my blog I showed you that I picked up on, but I opened that one.  I was playing a lot of Commander at the time, and really wanted the cards for my Commander and Cube.  Since then, I have regretted it because it was nice to have some sealed product in my collection.  So I decided to pick up another one for that reason.  This seller was so nice that they sent me a free pack of Eternal Masters along with the shipment, because they thought it was a delayed shipment.  I of course did not think it was delayed what so ever, so it was a very nice surprise.  I did not get anything in the pack, and I should have just kept the pack since I just bought some Eternal Masters, but oh well.

- (1) 8th Edition: Grave Pact
- (1) Lorwyn: Austere Command

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Yugioh Gaming 
- (1) Magic 2010: Garruk Wildspeaker

Great buy, nothing to say here.


- (1) Magic 2010: Garruk Wildspeaker

Great buy, nothing to say here.

The Next Level Games 
- (3) 5th Edition: Icatian Store
- (2) 5th Edition: Orcish Squatters

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Card Titan 

- (2) Fifth Dawn: Silent Arbiter

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Gaming Till Dawn
- (1) Coldsnap: Snow-Covered Plains
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Vedalken Orrery
- (1) 5th Edition: Game of Chaos

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Mythic Games 
- (2) Magic 2010: Relentless Rats

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Mind Sculpt Games 

- (1) Urza's Legacy: Impending Disaster (Foil)
- (1) Guildpact: Leyline of the Void
- (2) 5th Edition: Bad Moon
- (1) Darksteel: Darksteel Reactor
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Silent Arbiter

Great buy, nothing to say here.

TCGPlayer Direct 

- (1) Urza's Destiny: Tethered Griffin
- (1) 5th Edition: Howling Mine
- (2) 5th Edition: Nether Shadow
- (1) Time Spiral: Sudden Spoiling
- (2) Fifth Dawn: Blinkmoth Infusion
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Roar of Reclamation
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Bringer of the Green Dawn
- (1) Fifth Dawn: Relentless Rats
- (1) Darksteel: Kraken's Eye
- (1) Darksteel: Spawning Pit
- (1) Darksteel: Screams from Within
- (1) Darksteel: Spincrusher
- (2) Coldsnap: Adarkar Valkyrie
- (2) Coldsnap: Snow-Covered Plains
- (1) Mirrodin: Wall of Blood
- (3) Mirrodin: Forest (305)

So you would think that ordering from TGCPlayer Direct you would get exactly what you ordered. Ended up I did not get some cards that were acceptable conditions.  One of the Adarkar Valkyrie was LP, one Sudden Spoiling was LP, and a Blinkmoth Infusion was LP.  Not very happy with getting cards outside of the seller's posted conditions from the website's very own service.  I think for my next bulk buy I will try instead of going through TCGPlayer.

But I was able to finish out Mirrodin and Urza's Destiny with these cards, so I can't be too upset.

2016 Review

This is coming from a player that started back in 1995'ish era, collected all the things, and played through Urza's block.  I stopped buying but I kept playing Magic casually, and then started buying new cards around 2011 when I was traveling a lot with a co-worker, and we needed something to do while we were hanging out after work.

This year what did we see?

Oath of the Gatewatch
Shadows Over Innistrad
Eldritch Moon
Duel Deck: Blessed vs Cursed
Duel Deck: Nissa vs Ob Nixilis
SDCC: Zombies
From the Vault: Lore
Anthology: Planechase 2012
Commander 2016
Eternal Masters
Conspiracy: Take the Crown
Kaladesh Masterpiece
Gift Box SOI
Gift Box KLD

2016 was the first year for Eternal Masters and the first year we did not have a Core release.  I know Magic Origins was considered Magic 2016, but it was released in 2015 and this was the first full year there was no Core set.  

2016 was also the first year we saw a Conspiracy and Masters set released at the same time.  You have to remember that 2013 we saw the first Modern Masters set, then in 2014 we saw the first Conspiracy set, followed up by 2015 Modern Masters.

Now let's head back to 2007, right before the economic crisis.

2007 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 1 DD
2008 - 4 Exp, 1 DD, 1 FTV
2009 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 4 Planechase, 1 PDS
2010 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 4 Archenemy, 1 PDS, 5 Dual of the Planeswalkers
2011 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 PDS
2012 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 4 Planechase, 1 CMD Arsenal, 1 Gift Box
2013 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 MM, 1 Gift, 1 SDCC
2014 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 Conspiracy, 1 Gift, 1 SDCC, 1 Modern Deck
2015 - 3 Exp, 1 Core, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 MM, 1 Gift, 1 SDCC, 1 Ant, 1 Masterpiece
2016 - 4 Exp, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 EM, 1 Conspiracy, 2 Gift, 1 SDCC, 1 Ant, 2 Masterpiece

From this I think you can see the over saturation of the MTG world.  In less that 10 years we went from 5 different products to pick up, to 20 different products.  Granted I am counting each Commander deck as a separate item, and I am including the Gift boxes outside of the expansion set.  I am also counting the Masterpieces as a separate set to collect, and that is just because it would cost over $1000 to get the complete sets.  I am also counting 2 Masterpiece sets because the second part of the Expeditions were in Oath of the Gatewatch.  And if you collected the original sets that are being released as Anthology, you would technically not need to pick those up.  But really?  As a collector, who would not pick those up?

So let's just say that Gift boxes are a part of the normal set release, and Commander is a single release.  That is still a 5 product to 13 product increase.  In less than 10 years, WoTC has come out with 8 new products a year for MTG players to keep up with.  Let's compare this with another consumer product Apple.


Now I know there are other products within each category, but I consider those different products like Deck Builder Toolkits, and Gift Boxes.  They are the same product, but in different form.  Also, Apple does not release a new version of product every year.  You could consider the iPhone as the expansion sets, and the other products like everything else.  There might be an update, but there is not one every year for every product.  It would be impossible to keep up with that many products within the Apple ecosystem, so why does WoTC think consumers can keep up with everything they are coming out with?  I would say Magic the Gathering is the Apple of the CCG world, and if they don't realize they are selling their consumers out of the market, then I don't know what else they are thinking.

Some might say the desire for an updated product is worth more than the product updated itself.  That hype for the new of an existing product line is enough to scream for a buyout.

Now I know there are very few Apple collectors, and MTG is a different product, but you can see the insanity of asking your fan base to keep up year over year with these releases.  Now, supplementary products like Duel Decks, and FTV are a boon to the MTG economy but WoTC is so concerned with the player base, they are losing site that the value of their product in the aftermarket is one thing that drives new players to the game.  Who doesn't like to see that their $15 Snapcaster Mage is now worth over $70?

I know they feel like over saturating the market with product will dilute their product over time, and try and kill off the bubble that was created with the huge influx of new players around 2010, so I can only hope they are seeing the rock rolling down the other way and start killing off products like they did in the early 2000's.

I can only assume that they will stop making certain products, and then refresh them later on, like they are doing with the Archenemy decks.  And it does feel like they are trying to get a grip on the foil product itself.  From PDS to FTV to Masterpieces.  I feel like the standard foil cards and Masterpieces will become the norm, and they won't be doing sets like Arsenal or FTV much longer. That could give them the reprint and premium cards they are looking for.

Now let's look at what might be coming in 2017.

2017 - 4 Exp, 2 DD, 1 FTV, 5 CMD, 1 MM, 2 Gift, 1 SDCC, 1 Ant, 4 Masterpiece, 1 Archenemy

In 2017 we are looking at Big item to look at are the fucking 4 new Masterpiece sets you need to get. With each new Expansion set they are planning on putting Masterpiece cards in them, that would mean that we will technically get a new Masterpiece set in each of those Expansions.  That could mean above $4000.00 on foil cards per year because it would be unreasonable to buy enough booster boxes to get a full set of Masterpieces.

In 2017 we are looking to get 22 new products based on the previous categories, and the increase is the 2 new Masterpiece sets.  Not too bad, but if you consider the cost basis needed to complete the sets, it pretty much sucks donkey balls.

Now in 2017, that is all based on what news has been released in 2016.  We know there will be 4 new expansion sets and 1 Modern Masters set.  We also know they plan on doing an Anthology for Commander and releasing a new Archenemy set.  We have heard of the new Duel Deck coming out in the spring, so we are assuming that there will be the standard 2 Duel Decks in a year.  We are also assuming that they will release a new From the Vault, Commander and 2 Gift Boxes in a year. 

Another big assumption is that there will be Masterpieces in the other 3 expansions in 2017.

Let's take a look and see how much all this might cost.

Expansion: 4 * $90 = $360
Expansion: 4 * $90 = $360 
Expansion: 4 * $90 = $360 
Expansion: 4 * $90 = $360
Duel Deck: $20
Duel Deck: $20
From the Vault: $50
Commander 2017: 5 * 35 = $175
Modern Master: 8 * 240 = $1920
Gift Box: 2 * 45 = $90
Anthology: $165
Archenemy: $65
Masterpiece: 4 * $1000 = $4000

Now if you bought everything on this list, we are looking at $7945 without tax.  That is how much WoTC is expecting people to pay next year.  And that is also saying that you are only going to buy 4 booster boxes per set on pre-order, so it does not even include Fat Packs or what you might need to fill out playsets.  

This projection is much lower than what I am expecting to spend next year, but we will have to wait and see.  I normally get 10 booster boxes and 4 fat packs per set, and I also get 2 gift boxes per release because I like the storage boxes. Then I also get an extra commander set of decks, and I normally open one set, and keep one set.  I do plan on only getting 1 Archenemy because I never open those since they always reprint cards in those sets in Expansion sets.  My big cost will be in the full sets of Masterpieces, and that is what I normally save all my money for.

Why do I crack so many packs?  It is because I like the trading fodder to get the stuff I am missing.  I have also found that I do get some jumps on bulk that I have collected throughout the years, but considering that I am almost done with my collection, I might not need so much bulk and I can start buying collections to get the extra stuff rather than spending that money on cracking packs.

So yeah, looks like 2017 is going to be expensive, but considering the slowdown on people buying MTG, I am expecting a slowdown on product releases in 2018.  I am also predicting that Eternal Masters will not see another release for quite some time and they will stick with Modern Masters as the only bi-yearly released set.  I think they will keep up with Conspiracy sets, but just not sure how much of a runway those types of set will have.  I think the Masterpiece sets will continue, and WoTC will look to do reprints of much needed cards that way instead of Eternal Master sets.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Eternal Masters!!!

Don't fucking look at me!  Yeah I did it, I bought some stupid Eternal Masters to open.  So what is it to you?!

So there is a store that is closing down, and they have these deals going on while they try and liquidate the inventory.  So I have been stopping up there every week to see how low the prices would be.  This is a store that has been selling everything at list prices, so it is taking them a long time to get the prices down.

They are going to be shutting down on Dec 31st, and this is the last week they are going to be selling anything, so I thought this was going to be my lucky week.

Bad news - They are not liquidating as much as I thought and the prices were not as good as I thought, so I did not pick up what I had budgeted for but I have been itching to crack some packs so I picked up a case.  I am only going to be opening 1, maybe 2 boxes.  I could go for the whole case, but not sure just yet if I am going to do that.  I already have a ton of Eternal Masters cards up for trade and not a lot of people trying to pick those up.

Good news - The previous owner is doing a buy out and going to open another store just like it in that spot.  That means they will also have a game room, and I can still go up there and play if I don't want to drive all the way down to MPLS to play at Mead.

So let's get these open and I will update this post with what I got later.

After opening 2 of the booster boxes I think I did ok.  Here are the Mythic and Rare foils I pulled:

I pulled a Mythic Natural Order which is pretty cool, and a foil Wasteland!  The Vindication also has some value, but I already had that one.  Just a reminder, I don't collect foils but I also don't trade away foils if I only have 1 just in case I do start collecting foils.

Here are the rares:

Obviously there were more than this, but these were the top 6 rares.  Not great, but not bad at all. Remember that this is all trading fodder, and will be used to finish up the collection.

And the Mythics:

Hopefully these will bring in some more cards to the collection.  All these prices are way down based on the "reprint" of the set for the holidays, but I really think that there will not be another Eternal Masters release.  They might keep up with Modern Masters, but I think Eternal Masters was just too much for the player base and now they will kill the set at least for a while.

From the pricing on my spreadsheets I saw a gain of $415.12 for the non-foil cards, and $206.61 on the foil cards.  This is derived from the TCG Mid prices, and if I received list for all the cards that I opened.  So technically I made my money back just from those two booster boxes, the issue is I won't see 95% of what I opened.  I would be lucky to trade away 5% of what I opened within the first 2 years.  10+ years, we will have to wait and see what types of players come into the game, and what they expect to collect.

Incoming Order! 2050!

So I decided to make a purchase for no other reason than to close out some sets.  With this purchase I should be closing out these:

Modern Sets
Fifth Dawn


Time Spiral
Magic 2010

5th Edition
Urza's Destiny
Urza's Legacy Foil

So I got took with an e-mail that TCGPlayer sent out saying you could get 5% cashback in store credit, so I thought I would go shopping to close out some of my sets, and a bunch of cards later I ended up getting some packages.  I did end up getting some good store credit, that will lower my cost basis on my next TCGPlayer buy, but best of all I am closing out 8 sets and 1 foil set!

Let's go through the sellers and what I got.

 - (3) Fifth Dawn: Krark-Clan Ironworks

This person can suck it.  NM to them was Played to Lightly Played.  I sent him a bad score, but pretty sure they will not even bat an eye.  There were nicks all over the cards, and the backs were scratched up to all hell.  The trouble in trying to correct the issue is not even speaking to this seller again.  He is going on the Do Not Buy list.  These types of buys are ones where I could block the sellers when I shop on TCGPlayer so I never even see them in the searches.

Epic Gaming 
- (1) Magic 2010: Jace Beleren

Great buy, nothing to say here.

Mana Tide Games
 - (1) Darksteel: Death Cloud

Great buy, nothing to say here

Pink Bunny Games
 - (2) Coldsnap: Panglacial Wurm
 - (2) 5th Edition: Aspect of Wolf
 - (2) 5th Edition: Cockatrice
 - (2) Magic 2010: Plains (231)
 - (1) Magic 2010: Plains (233)
 - (2) Magic 2010: Swamp (239)
 - (2) Magic 2010: Swamp (240)
 - (2) Time Spiral: Mishra, Artificer Prodigy
 - (2) Time Spiral: Thelon of Havenwood

I am very happy that I got the cards in the conditions that they were in, but really this seller needs to start using top loaders.  Even just as a barrier to protect the cards a bit.  The envelope was ripped a bit, and the sleeve used to bind them together was ripped.  I gave them a less perfect score telling them to use top loaders.

 - (1) Magic 2010: Garruk Wildspeaker

Great buy, nothing to say here

 - (1) Tenth Edition: Grave Pact

Great buy, the shipping was fantastic!  Way above and beyond what I would expect for the card.  Simply great shipping!

 - (1) 5th Edition: Meekstone
 - (1) 9th Edition: Lord of the Unreal
 - (1) Time Spiral: Undying Rage

Great buy, nothing to say here

With more orders coming in, I should have some more posts this week.

Friday, December 16, 2016

City of 2077

Newest trade just came in.  Picked up three 7th Edition City of Brass to get the playset.  This was a small pick up, but still 3 more closer to the collection.  And, they were a part of the Legacy sets!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Store closing pickups

So there is a LGS that is closing where I live, and they keep having more and more discounted sales as the closing day gets near.  They had a 30% discount on everything MTG related, so I decided to pick up 4 Lupine Prototype, 1 very large 20 sided die, and 4 Eldritch Moon fat packs.

The die was just for fun, and the Lupines were just because I built a standard deck with them and saw some potential for a Legacy deck so I wanted another playset.  And who can gow wrong with a 30% discount.  Picked them up for $.70 a piece.

The fat pack though, I was able to get those around $28 a piece, and that is a really good deal.  Not as good as the deal I got on my extra booster boxes, but a good deal for things I think might rise in price after they go out of print.

Still 2080 but did get a trade in

The countdown did not move, but I was able to pick up a Conspiracy: Take the Crown card I needed. I am currently not keeping those types of cards in my countdown but it was a nice pickup.  I guess I really liked this pickup because I can see it being a good commander card, but also might see some play in Vintage.

I also grabbed a Seasons Past in the trade, but that was just because it was a Mythic and I needed to even out the trade.

I normally pick-up Mythics when I need to even out a trade.  I know, some of the Mythics out there are not really good, but I see some of those cards like Seasons Past as deck building cards in the future.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

To Sleeve or not to Sleeve, that is the question

So the issue I had with my collection was that I organize a lot.  With all that shuffling around, the cards pick up wear and tear in the boxes, and in the binders.  I was sleeving up all the mythics and rares, but throughout time some of the uncommons and commons gain value too.

There was also the problem of making decks, sleeving them, and then putting them back into the boxes after I am done with the deck.  Or sometimes I would have a favorite deck, and would need to swap out the sleeves from time to time in order to keep the deck fresh.

Now, I could have just sleeved up all the cards with the same sleeves that I use to build decks with, but then I would still have that issue with re-sleeving the deck after a while.  Or what if I wanted to build a Cube and needed different sleeves for those?  I would have to re-sleeve all the cards just to get them into the Cube sleeves, and then re-sleeve cards once I rotated them out of the Cube.  I know this because I actually started this process and found it to be very expensive and not the right solution I really wanted.

Yes those are a bunch of UltraPro Matted Black sleeves that I bought just for this process.  I was actually beginning to follow this process before I figured out it would not work.

After some research and help from the Professor with his videos, I came up with the next plan.  KMC Perfect Fit sleeves!

Now, the KMC Perfect Fit sleeves will come 100 sleeves to a pack.  Then 30 packs to a case. Normally you can get them at an LGS for $5-$6 a pack.  With that in mind, and since I am not an LGS and I can't order from a distributor, I am looking at paying LGS prices.  So, the next best thing I could think of was Amazon, but those deals would come and go, and there was no real static price I could count on.  It would be possible, but for the volume I was looking for it would have taken me a very long time just to get the sleeves at reasonable prices.

This brings me to the plan I executed.  I went to my LGS, and asked them if they could order me 2 cases of KMC Perfect Sleeves.  They said sure and would let me know when they were in. When they got in, I got a call and went down there and picked them up.  When I got there, there were 8 of these cases and they said they had another 4 coming in at a later date!  To my surprise I was getting a lot more than I expected.  But I guess the distributor said that is what they called a case.  Almost like they thought 1 case would equal 6 of these boxes.

I had asked them to order them, so I paid up.  I believe I paid $150 a case, and ended up paying around $1200 for the sleeves.  That was around $5.00 per pack.  I was not expecting to have to pay for so much at one time, but if I was going to do it I might as well get it done.

As you can see, and I am pretty sure you can watch one of the professor's videos, but the sleeve fits really snug to the card itself, and allows you to double sleeve a deck.  This would solve all my issues with sleeves.  I could build a deck, tear it down, re-sleeve, use different sleeves for different decks, and to be honest it was the most perfect solution.  Just wish it did not cost so much.

Let's talk about complete costs to do this type of thing for me.

In my collection I have around 88,000 cards.
1 pack = 100 sleeves
30 packs = 1 case
1 case = 3000 sleeves

That means I would need to buy over 29 cases of sleeves just to get to all my cards.  And at $5 a pack, for 53 cases, that adds up to $4,350.00 just for sleeves....

$4,350 dollars for condoms for cardboard, so that the other condoms don't ruin the cardboard.

Now that we have that disgusting number out there, how in the world would I tackle it?  As it stands, I already bought 8 cases of sleeves, I never did get the other 4 that were still coming in, but I did not mind because I was already over my head in sleeves.  So that is $4350 - $1200 = $3150 left to go. And considering the amount of sleeves I have now, I figured it would take me quite a while to go through them all.

It did take me a while, but still not long enough.  What do I mean about that?  I was thinking it would have taken me a year to go through them all, but it was only around 6 months, and I had not planned on these purchases in my yearly budget, so I was pulling from a different bucket outside of my Magic yearly budget.  That kind of sucked.  I know, I know... I could have just stopped sleeving, but I really didn't want to because of just being able to get it done.

The way I did it, was I took a Fat Pack box and put three KMC packs in it.  Then I filled it up with cards / dividers that needed to be sleeved.  That normally ended up being around 300 cards.  Some of the cards were in older sleeves, or other sleeves but it ended up being just the right amount to use up all the KMC sleeves.  I could then have enough room for the KMC sleeved cards, card dividers, and the extra old sleeves back into the Fat Pack and bring it home.

I would normally fill up the box, bring it into work, and it would take me about an hour to finish up 300 cards.  I would normally do this while I was on a conference call, or my lunch.

With the math 88,000 cards should have taken me around 293 days, but I think I was finished closer to 150 days.  Toward the end of the Modern cards I kind of went nuts and just did a bunch of sleeves on some PTO I used up.

I started with my Vintage / Legacy cards, then I moved into the Modern.  I ended up with Standard next, but some sets came out while I was doing this, so it was much easier because I did all new sets as they came out.  I wasn't going to do the basic lands, but I started getting the Un-set lands, A/B/U lands and other special lands and just kept going.

I have also sleeved up all my foil cards, even though I might trade my extra foils away.  I will just keep the sleeve and put it in a trading sleeve.  I just do this to minimize the warping.

So let's get back to the cost of the sleeves.  With my LGS I would consider myself as a power buyer. I get all my sealed product and they are the first stop when I am looking for singles.  So what happened was I kept calling in asking for more and more cases.  The more I ordered the lower the price got.  I think my last order of 10 cases ended up being $4.25 per pack.  So really I was paying $127.50 a case.  Now that might not be much, but it is a very good price considering if I bought each of the pack directly from the stock of the LGS it would have been around $6.00 a pack.

So either I have a really awesome LGS, or you could get this type of deal if you plan on spending a lot of money with your LGS for little cardboard plastic condoms.

Break time

I am going to be taking a break from updating my blog until I start doing more with Magic the Gathering.  I am not going to sell the collect...